Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Day 10 - A day of rest in Cei Newydd

There's not much I can say about this day.  I slept in a little and felt much better.  Sam had left the previous day for Scotland to attend a big poetry festival.  I delivered Plaid Cymru pamphlets for Sam as she had run out of time to finish her route.  Plaid Cymru is the national political party for Wales.  There's an election this May.  In Ceredigion, the two contenders for the riding are Plaid Cymru and Lib-Dems.  The route was short and I only ran into one person.  She wanted to know what an English boy like me was doing delivering Plaid Cymru pamphlets!  Convinced her I was from Canada and turns out she knew my family a little.  That only took about two hours.  I visited Aunty Susan briefly just to see how she was doing.  I'm sorry to say that I woke her from a nap.  I really should learn to call in advance.

I made cawl for Geraint and myself.  Geraint's proper Welsh and he really seemed to enjoy it so I must have done something right.  Cawl is a traditional Welsh soup.  It's fairly simple to make.  Fry leeks, add water, potatoes, suedes, carrots, cabbage, lots of parsley, veggie stock and maybe a touch of salt and pepper.  The real thing is made with meat and/or a meat bone.  But being Veggie and all, I only use veggie stock.

I'm going to add two asides to this day.
The first one is about Giraldus Cambrensis.  And the second one will be about the Welsh music CD, Blodeugerdd.

Shortly, onto Pencader and some real music...

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