I named this blog “A Journey in Wales” as a small homage to Giraldus Cambrensis, who wrote a book called "A Journey through Wales". I'm certainly no Giraldus but I count him as a great inspiration and mean this only as a tribute.
Giraldus (1146-1223), a monk who wrote over twenty large
volumes of work, was also known as Gerald de Barri and Gerallt Gymro. He wrote two famous books about the Welsh - “Itinerarium Cambriae” (A Journey through Wales) and “Descriptio Cambriae” (A Description of Wales) which chronicled the lives of the people around him. What’s most interesting about Giraldus was that he was three-quarters Norman and one-quarter Welsh. He clearly loved both cultures and was often torn between the two.
volumes of work, was also known as Gerald de Barri and Gerallt Gymro. He wrote two famous books about the Welsh - “Itinerarium Cambriae” (A Journey through Wales) and “Descriptio Cambriae” (A Description of Wales) which chronicled the lives of the people around him. What’s most interesting about Giraldus was that he was three-quarters Norman and one-quarter Welsh. He clearly loved both cultures and was often torn between the two.
Naturally, I identify with that, being first generation Welsh-Canadian. Part of both worlds but not really belonging to either.